
Refining Automation

Redefining the norms in the software testing industry by enhancing the user- experience of the ACCELQ platform, a game-changer in automation testing.

Elevating ACCELQ: A Comprehensive UX Strategy
From Research to Design
  • User Interface Design
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Developer collaboration
  • User Research
  • Design System
  • Information Architecture
  • Usability testing
Outcomes of Redesign and Innovation

Following the re-design and introduction of new features, ACCELQ achieved significant positive outcomes. User engagement across the re-designed modules increased by 4%, indicating an improved and user-friendly experience. The efficiency of test automation improved, with a reduction in the time required to set up and initiate tests. Additionally, the introduction of the Mobile View Recorder feature led to a substantial increase in mobile app tests conducted through the platform, expanding ACCELQ's reach and enhancing its overall utility.

Tackling ACCELQ's UX Challenges
Problem Statement and Solutions

Despite its innovative functionalities, ACCELQ had room for improvement in terms of user experience. Specific modules - Action, Contexts, Scenarios, Action Logic Editor, Branching, and Profile needed re-designing to boost efficiency and ease of use. Furthermore, there was a need to incorporate new features to elevate the tool's capabilities and address the evolving demands of the users.

  • Adobe XD
  • Illustrator
  • Hotjar
  • Photoshop
  • Invision



Stakeholders, UI Designers, Project Managers, Developers, Testing Team

My Role in the Project
From User Research to Interface Design

The goal was to enhance the user experience across the different modules of ACCELQ. The process involved conducting user research, re-designing critical modules, and creating wireframes and prototypes for new features. Close collaboration with the development team was essential for the effective implementation of these changes.

Process and Activities
Redesign and New Features

The project was divided into two main stages: re-designing existing modules and developing new features.

For the re-design, user feedback, and analytics data were used to identify the pain points within the existing modules. Prototypes were then developed to improve these identified areas, focusing on ease of use, and efficient navigation.

The development of new features involved creating a run automation test modal, which allowed users to select the Agent and notify others when the job was completed, and a Mobile view Recorder to facilitate mobile app testing directly within the tool. These additions were based on a clear understanding of user needs and were designed to enhance ACCELQ's overall functionality.

Information Architecture
The Blueprint of ACCELQ's UX
I started by immersing myself in the current ACCELQ platform to gain a thorough understanding of its existing features. This deep dive enabled me to appreciate the complexity and intricacies of the tool and also helped me identify areas that could be improved. With this understanding in place, I was then able to begin constructing an information architecture that was reflective of user needs and business objectives while maintaining the core functionalities that make ACCELQ a powerful automation tool.
User Journey Map
Evolving ACCELQ's Language
The Design System Journey
In redesigning the ACCELQ tool, I enhanced the design system by integrating new components, ensuring they complemented and elevated the user experience while maintaining the tool's visual and functional consistency. We tackled the redesign one module at a time, starting with low-fidelity prototypes to gather early user feedback, which was crucial for identifying and addressing issues. This methodical process of redesign, testing, and iteration, based on real user insights, allowed for continuous improvement. Once tested and refined, these modules were integrated into ACCELQ, ensuring a smooth transition for users and reinforcing the tool's position as a leading software automation solution through enhanced consistency and usability.
User Journey Map User Journey Map
Visual Design
User Journey Map
Measuring the Success

In measuring the success, we witnessed increased user engagement and retention, indicating a more user-friendly and beneficial tool. The efficiency of task completion improved significantly, while error rates dropped, reflecting the tool's increased ease of use. User satisfaction, measured via surveys and interviews, was extremely high, with users valuing the improved user experience and the utility of new features. The high adoption rate of new features confirmed their relevance to users' workflows.


Comprehending the existing design system is key to maintaining tool consistency while innovating; incorporating user feedback throughout the process is invaluable; a modular, methodical approach to redesign is effective; maintaining consistent user experience while evolving the tool is vital; early testing with low-fidelity prototypes uncovers potential design issues; and balancing innovation with user familiarity is essential when introducing new features. These insights inform a user-centric approach to future UX design projects, facilitating the delivery of effective and intuitive solutions.